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Some things you'll do...

Here is a little information about some projects that you will do and papers that you will write. This is also where you look for assignments that you've missed if you are absent. It will be updated frequently. If you miss a day, please check the bottom on the page. 

Grading Scale: A- 100-90  B- 89-80  C- 79-70  D- 69-60  F- 60 and below. 

DNA Research Paper


Students will discuss the Human Genome Project and the concept of DNA mapping. In the paper, students will describe the impact that DNA plays on an organism. Students will end the paper with commentary upon the contemporary applications of DNA mapping, including crime solving and checking for hereditary ailments.
Genetic Defect Research Paper


Students will gather information on common genetic defects that occur in plants and animals. Students will discuss the impact of each defect and the affected gene that leads to each. After which, students will compile statistics regarding the prevalence of genetic disorders and discuss potential solutions to these defects.


You will be required to complete a Personal Project. Your Personal Project is YOUR project that focuses on your interests, and create learning that is relevant to you. It is your opportunity to express yourself, while demonstrating skills that you have developed thus far and apply these skills to a goal. Because you will be working on this project for an extended period of time, make sure it is something that you REALLY want to do. The experience that you gain in completing your project is some of the best preparation you can for the challenges of the Diploma Programme.

You will be provided with more information and important dates for the personal project as well a dates for presentation separately.


More to come...

For your benefit, I update grades weekly, so there will never be a question of where you stand in the class. 

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